Mettā Bhāvanā, CBT and Mental Health

Dear friends,

My paper “Mettā Bhāvanā, CBT and Mental Health” was selected for presentation at The International Seminar on Contemporary Buddhism, University of Mumbai.

I came across Mettā Bhāvanā in 2012, when I did a 10 day Vipassana Meditation. Since then I have been practicing it intermittently and have seen a change in my perspective towards self and others.

Drawing from my personal experience of practicing mettā bhāvanā, my experience in practicing psychotherapy and the experiments I conducted on the research topic, I have constructed a model from the teachings of Buddha, i.e. mettā bhāvanā and modern psychotherapy and I try to show how one can apply mettā (what I call mettā affirmations) to overcome emotional disturbance.

I posit that cultivating loving-kindness with a simple daily practice of mettā bhāvanā can help one alleviate emotional suffering and experience love, joy and compassion.

If you are interested you can read the full paper on my Academia page: Mettā Bhāvanā, CBT and Mental Health

You can watch the video of the presentation that I made at University of Mumbai at the International Seminar on Contemporary Buddhism. I have included the slides for the above video on SlideShare:  Mettā Bhāvanā, CBT and Mental Health

Kind Regards,
Tejas Shah, MSc. (Psy)
​Psychotherapist at Healing Studio

Call +91 8286 952 960