⚡️ Suicide can be prevented.. Get training for suicide prevention first-aid with an option to become a Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper!
🎯 Description:
✅ Suicides take a high toll. Over 8,00,000 people die by suicide every year and it is the second leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds.
✅ There are indications that for each adult who dies of suicide there may be more than 20 others attempting suicide.
✅ The impact on families, friends and communities is devastating and far-reaching, even long after persons dear to them have taken their own lives.
✅ Communities can play a critical role in suicide prevention.
✅ They can provide emotional support to vulnerable individuals and engage in follow-up care, fight stigma and support those bereaved by suicide.
✅ Facilitating community engagement in suicide prevention is an important task.
📖 Features / Things you will learn:
⭐ Learn to provide suicide first aid… to reduce the immediate risk of a suicide and increase the support for a person at risk.
⭐ The workshop provides opportunities to learn what a person at risk may need from others in order to keep safe and get more help.
⭐ It encourages honest, open and direct talk about suicide as part of preparing people to provide suicide first aid similar to providing CPR first aid.
⭐ Participants also consider how personal attitudes, anxieties and experiences might affect their helping role with a person at risk.
⭐ A suicide first aid model provides a framework for skills practice.
⭐ Active participation is encouraged.
⭐ It is stimulated by audiovisuals and with group activities and group processes.
🚀 Benefits:
🎁 Help people provide suicide first aid in many settings – with family, friends, co-workers and in more formal helping relationships.
🎁 Benefits can be found in everyday situations, professional work, or volunteering.
🎁 Become better prepared to:
• recognize signs/ symptoms and invitations to help
• reach out and offer emotional support
• review the risk of suicide
• link with community resources
🗓 Dates:
1) 25th April, 2021 (Sunday) – Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Certificate Training
3) To be announced – Advanced Suicide Prevention Training
⏰ Time: 1 pm to 6 pm (Indian Standard Time – IST) (5 hours)
🏬 Venue: Online (Zoom link will be sent via email a day prior the event)
👨👩👧👦 For: Any 18+ who wants to learn to provide emotional support to someone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts.
🎓 Facilitator: Tejas Shah, Clinical Psychologist, HealingStudio.in
💰 Fees:
A) Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Certificate Training – 1500 Rs.500 (reduced fee of 500 for a total of 5 hour training!)
B) Advanced Suicide Prevention Training – 2500 Rs.2000 (Eligibility – Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training)
C) A + B = Rs.2000 (overall 50% reduced fee = 2000)
📋 Registration form: https://forms.gle/aAhuwWeZVTAHstrU6
Ethical disclaimer: This training doesn’t give you the title or license to practice as a “Suicide Prevention Professional”. A Gatekeeper is not a title but someone from the community who can provide emotional first aid.
(To avoid conflicts please read everything carefully before applying, fees will not be refundable in any case. Kindly do not sms or whatsapp me on my number, they will go unanswered, direct all questions to our email id: [email protected]. Please note you registered for the selected workshop and it cannot be transferred to other dates or any other person in any condition.)
Join our official Telegram channel to get access to free resources and to get notified about our workshops and events: https://telegram.me/healingstudio

The workshop was truly amazing and gave me a fresh perspective on suicide. The interactive nature of the workshop was very helpful. It allowed for me to reflect on my own feelings along with the stigmas and preconceived notions I have internalized over time. The workshop gave me space to have a candid conversation with people who are similarly placed and want to understand how to better prevent suicides. The guidance of the trainer was remarkable as he facilitated in having open and clear conversations. I feel like everyone had the space to express their ideas and thoughts without the fear of being judged. The trainer is well-informed and quite knowledgeable. His patience is worth mentioning. I felt that he is quite committed and conducted the workshop impeccably. The trainer resolved all the queries and cleared doubts of each person despite the paucity of time. It was really humbling to be guided by such a remarkable trainer who did everything possible to make all the participants feel heard and safe. I especially appreciate the fact that he made sure that all the participants were able to partake in all the discussions and activities despite their inhibitions. The workshop allowed for me to understand my own feelings and emotions in respect with suicide. I was able to face some of my stereotypes and preconceived notions which I had internalized over time. I feel like I am much more confident and equipped to provide first aid to any person who may have suicidal ideations. Having difficult conversations without being hindered by my own inhibitions seems possible now. The basic steps will allow for me to reach out to more people without the fear of being at a loss for words or not knowing where to direct people with suicidal ideations. I finally feel like I will be able to contribute to the community positively by doing my bit to prevent suicides.I feel like I am more empathic and understanding after attending the workshop. The workshop allowed me to reflect on how I felt regarding suicide earlier and relearn a lot about suicides. It gave me the space to understand my own experiences and affirmed that having suicidal thoughts is acceptable.
~ Srianusha Thotakura, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Certificate Training was very interactive and helped me reflect on alot of myths, belief systems I held. The breakout room sessions were refreshing and really enjoyed the discussions the group’s had throughout the 6 hours. The trainer was very well versed and knowledgeable. I feel more confident to handle a client with suicide, helped me learn how important it is to talk about suicide openly with family and friends. I have more confidence, more insight into biases, thus better awareness as a practitioner.
~ Vikasni Kannan, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Certificate Training was really helpful in removing the myths about suicide and I now have the courage to ask someone about suicide. I liked how the trainer conducted the group activities and interaction between participants and practical sessions. Talk about suicide helps other person, suicidal thoughts happens with everyone and it’s ok to feel that. I now have the courage to talk about suicide.
~ Shijna A M, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Certificate Training was experiential with a lot of case studies and real life egs given by the speaker. The break out sessions made it more meaningful. The trainer patiently answered every question asked. Also, remembering names and referring the points put forth by the respective person. It does give the feel that he was attentive. I got an awareness of what it could be like to be on the other side when you are yourself confronted with the same question. Also how difficult it can be to confide and really express out the most stigmatized action a human could take in distress.
~ Divya R, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Detailed explanation discussion and take home message. Simple practical approach. Suicide is preventable. Thoughts about prevention of self.
~ Dhara Trivedi Thakar, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop was thoroughly planned, very specific, objective oriented session. I liked the trainer’s candidness, sensitivity, ability to engage everyone, clarity of what gatekeepers are not. That Suicide Prevention Requires skills, focus and a mindset of empathy. It is essential to be true to oneself before anything else. it is necessary to normalize the idea that we all sometimes give up the idea of living in varying intensity, frequency and duration. It is essential to have the skills to handle distress calls. More awareness and a sense of capacity to be able to handle suicidal thoughts in clients.
~ Piyushee Mukerji, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I think I have mostly mentioned about my experience during the workshop itself. But just to summarize it, I felt that there was something held inside me for a long time that was set free by the end of the workshop. it was overwhelming at various instances but I felt and have been feeling positive since it ended. Thank you so much for the opportunity. The safe space that he was able to create. I think it is difficult to create such spaces specially within a group of absolute strangers. So it was quite commendable to have such a trainer. I had certain breakthroughs during the workshop. the most important one that I’m taking home with me is that most of the people have suicidal thoughts at least once or twice in their lifetime. This makes me feel a little more included and normal. Apart from this, to an extent, I have also learnt how to talk during difficult conversations. I feel it’s an important life skill that very limited number of people have. And I’m looking forward to practicing it. One of the major transformation that I have experienced in my thoughts is with respect to the myths associated with suicide. I feel that I myself preach most of the myths and letting go off such myths will contribute in becoming a finer version of myself.
~ Tanya Agarwal, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
This was a very interactive session, I was able to overcome my inhibitions and now I feel much more confident in aiding someone who is going through suicidal thoughts. The trainer was understanding and a really good listener. He made it a point to clarify everyone’s doubts. I took home the learning that it is okay to talk about suicide and it shouldn’t be seen as a taboo topic. It is this approach that will help us prevent suicidal deaths and help individuals. This workshop made me acknowledge my feelings and helped me introspect.
~ Khushi Hetal Desai, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
A totally new topic for me, a journey from stigma to normalcy and prevention. The trainer was crisp to the point and depth of knowledge, be learning the knowledge, it can be applied better. The workshop gives a sense of confidence to face a person with depressed thoughts or suicidal thoughts. I take home that its ok to talk about suicide and there are ways to prevent it.
~ Kamran G Khan, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop was great! I liked the trainers patience and attention to every participant. I learned to be an active listener. Post workshop, I feel more relaxed.
~ Kripanidh Kaur, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Good basic information, Lucid presentation, Interactive sessions, Breakout sessions made us engage deeply, Cohesive group, Non threatening trainer. The trainer made every one feel comfortable, made it interactive, was mindful. To know better is to do better. So I got good basic information, concepts and practical knowledge of the dynamics of suicide. That it is ok to ask people if they have had suicidal thoughts. I was under the impression that it could lead to ideas if not already present or that it could offend the person being ask. This is a transformation for me.
~ Viji Ganesh, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop was an unexpectedly positive experience. It aided me to clearly see the problematic generic beliefs that the society holds regarding suicide. It also helped me to challenge my own prejudices regarding the help that can be given to a person experiencing suicidal thoughts. I enjoyed that the workshop was interactive and the breakout sessions were cathartic. The trainer readily answered all questions and had a listening attitude despite being the one teaching us. This made me feel comfortable in the session. The trainer also emphasized on putting self first which I personally found helpful. Personally, I will now be more open to talking about suicide and would like to help in eradicating the stigma around it. My most valuable lesson was that it is normal for every person to experience thoughts about their death at some point of time in their lives and the guilt and the stigma around it is unnecessary. I believe that I would also be able to be more vigilant towards warning signs and would reach out first instead of just waiting for the other person to reach out. I somehow was able to reflect on my past emotions better and feel more congruent with my self.
~ Devishi Sarawgi, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop provided a safe space to learn and understand. The trainer was open minded and non-judgmental. This was always trigger point/question for me and I am more confident about this. I was able to be more confident and less scared with the thoughts about suicide and dealing with people at risk.
~ Maria Jovita, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I really liked how the workshop was engaging. Every attendee was welcoming. I found the session really comforting and it helped me look at things from a different perspective altogether and was an eye opener for me. It was very insightful. The trainer was very sensitive towards our feelings as well as considerate. I really liked how he was trying to build up conversations and discussions. The workshop completed its motive of instilling knowledge about suicide. Like I mentioned earlier, I have a different and a better perspective now which would not have been possible had I not attended the workshop. I now feel more sensitized towards people who have committed suicide and their friends and family. Instead of focusing on the reason of why they did what they did, I feel it’d be better if I try and understand them and think about what would have been going through their head and how would they have been feeling.
~ Rhythm Garg, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Its was very very informative workshop and a must to be attended by as many professionals or responsible adults in society .from number of deaths in seconds to types of suicide and levels, each and every minute information was delivered with simplest language and least theoretical contents, Breaking the groups for discussions was perfect way to open up discussions on each and every topics, overall it was beautifully designed and presented. Tejas sir was amazing host throughout, his body language controlled tone and expressions on even very intense and sensitive topics was truly comforting and admiring.. the way ppt was designed with simple sentences and sir make sure to stop sharing for smallest of discussions was very appreciating, sir has made sure even simplest of doubt and queries was cleared with lots of patient understandings and elaborated yet precise explanations with examples, will be waiting to share more knowledge under guidance of amazing mentor Tejas sir.. may god give him kore strength and power. For me I finally could categories my personal intense emotions and sensitive moments in past life, I feel from now in life I could confidently add word suicide in my discussions with people in need and could be of help to close people in society. I think I am more sorted and much more equipped with my thoughts to connect people. SUICIDAL thoughts are NO more a word to be ashamed of shy of embarrassed of its normal to have these thoughts and extremely normal to share and ask about same with others.
~ Neetu Mahesh, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I would like to describe it in pointers:1. Interactive aspect of the session made it feel very real and all the questions asked in the workshop were enlightening 2. Not only did it help me understand about the whole suicidal tendency issue but also made me more aware about social problems which are generally present in the country 3. I was genuinely feeling that I’m able to empathize more 4. Would love if this is done more often, with more people and more exploration. I liked the trainers understanding and view on things. It benefit me to be more empathetic. All the learnings about suicide and the issues relating to it were entirely new for me. But the most helpful factor was “how to engage”. There is a sense of reliability, a lot of positivity towards this issue and better understanding about a person in distress.
~ Aashish Charandeo Mathur, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I really liked that it was engaging and well-structured. The trainer was very kind, patient and experienced. I especially liked when he was showing us an example of how to engage with someone using OARS method. I felt better equipped to deal with my own emotions and others. I am more confident to listen and engage. Before, I felt like I was very incompetent to engage with someone having suicidal thoughts. Now I am not afraid. I think my perspective on life and suicide has changed. I know now that it is normal to have suicidal thoughts and instead of ignoring them we should engage with it. Now, I feel very content and confident.
~ Arunima Das, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I found the workshop to be very useful and necessary to understand the role we can play to ensure that individuals with distressing thoughts fell better much before they reach the crisis point. Moreover, all kind of help is useful, provided we leave our own views and beliefs aside. It also made me realize that ‘All suicides are preventable’, which gives a lot of hope and encourages us to intervene and help whoever we can. This might result in betterment of a lot of individuals in destress by proving them a lending year and a helping hand. The trainer seems to be very well trained and experienced. He was able to get his points across in a very effective manner and was calm and patient while making sure that we were at ease throughout the workshop. I realized that I can always intervene and try to engage with someone who is suicidal. There is no wrong way of engaging. And even if the person chooses not to go to a mental health practitioner, that is not an evaluation of the kind of help I offered. I always believed that in order to engage with someone having suicidal thought, extensive training is required. Now, I believe that all of us who genuinely want to help someone should engage. And some training wrt to not being judgmental or imposing our believes on that person could be useful.
~ Hanima Grewal, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop was helpful in sensitizing the word “suicide” that has a lot of stigma around it and usually brings up anxiety in me. It taught me that it is normal for a person to have suicidal thoughts and a simple act as reaching out can help prevent it. It also helped me introspect about my personal biases around the term suicide. The trainer would put the participants in break out groups to discuss topics and check-in in every group to see how it was going. He didn’t judge anybody’s thoughts and opinions and accepted all responses which made everyone feel included and provided a safe space. My main takeaway was that people need to look out more for warning signs and reach out to people in their time of need to the extent of their capacity. Previously I wasn’t sure about being a gatekeeper and didn’t believe enough in myself to be one but now I understand that anyone can be a gatekeeper and that having empathy is a large part of that.
~ Mohi Dave, Batch #11
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper

I attended 4 sessions on September 10th of various organisations since that day was world suicide prevention day, but this session was ultimate! I loved to have deeper sessions and further workshops with Tejas Sir, valuable information was dealt, it was totally a different event sessions as far as I have attended till now. It literally showed me the path of healing and how to approach and sort out our individual lives. Thank you soo much for these wonderful sessions sir..! I really wish not to miss any event of yours cause they are so much valuable and enlightened every individual. I liked Tejas Sir’s explaination, his patience level, and interactive sessions which really made us communicable. The workshop gave me alot of information in detail about the session, I personally got to interact with very much well experienced people from various fields and also I got to know how to approach people through wonderful events like this, I learnt, problem sorting isn’t just dealing among yourselves but there are lot more people who are actually ready to listen and help us out
Teddu Lohitha, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The structure of the suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop was very engaging and made the process of learning about suicide comprehensible. The discussions made the workshop from interactive and engaging. The content of the presentation was very clear and communicated in an impactful way. The trainer asked for everyone’s opinions, experiences and feelings. He acknowledged and validated them. He shared his own experiences with us too. I understand the difference between a gatekeeper and therapist. I didn’t realise before that reaching out to people who have warning signs is better than waiting for people to reach out to you. And I also know now that any intervention is a good intervention. I feel more comfortable talking about suicide with others and better equipped to be a gatekeeper. I also feel more comfortable to reach out to people who may show warning signs. After the workshop, I feel that I have the right knowledge that will be useful to me to spread awareness in society about suicide.
Trish Kaur, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop was just amazing and an eye opener. And I felt that one should reach to out to somebody for help, suicide prevention should be create more awareness. I loved the trainers knowledge and the way the trainer nicely responded the answers and help each one get more clarity to be a gatekeeper for somebody. I had never heard about the word gatekeeper which was quite new to me. The workshop has cleared my myths and doubts and given me more clarity to provide help to somebody. As I am presently studying Masters in Clinical Psychology this has definitely been a great learning that I can apply as a professional later on. I experienced that even if a small thought I shall reach to out somebody that can save my life. And while being there for someone never put forth your beliefs and view or suggestions to help. Just be a listener.
Mahima Nair, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
When I got this link about the suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop, I was hesitating a lot to to enroll myself it took around you can say 3 days for me to tell myself that you are going to attend it, you are not going to skip this. Before the workshop I had many thoughts about how the session is going to be whether it is going to be interactive or it will be like you are going to go through the slides and in the end it will be a question and answer session. Prove me wrong. And I really appreciate that this workshop has happened. That is the reason I have enrolled myself in the advanced training because I know this is something I really need it. Initially I thought the trainer is going to wrap up with slides or it won’t be that much interactive. But then I realised good that I am attending. You give us the opportunity to share our experience. Trainer shared his inputs and experience about what things has to be there. He cleared the doubts when we asked he was giving all those answer without hesitating or in other words even if I felt restless how these questions the other individual is asking? He taught us in detail. In a broader perspective about what is a Gate Keeper? Now I realised why my ma’am told me that you are the best Psychologist! I have learnt a lot. Right from the emotional impact does it have on you and what about others those who are left behind. I was able to connect myself the most in every perspective. When I look back into the session there are many things it has affected. My thoughts my feelings not the same I was feeling before the session. Now I can look into to details of mine what actually I am going through. I don’t know how to put this into words. I really really thankful to you sir for the way you have conducted this and it has changed most of my thoughts on which definitely have to work.
P. Giridharan Naidu, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop was informative and helped me a lot to know about suicide. I could easily connect with the trainer, looking forward to work with him. Attending the workshop was therapeutic. I learned, it is important that you listen and understand other, which is the most important thing that people lack these days. Strive it till you achieve it.
Ipshita Jain, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was quite elaborative in its nature considering it was meant for any person to learn who is willing to help. The trainer was very clear about his thoughts and goals and knew exactly what direction he has to lead the workshop. Trainer was calm, responsive and paid attention to all the members of the group. This workshop has helped me alot regarding the myths and realities of the suicide. I have clarity about what should be my priority when someone is seeking me for help. Thanks to sir alot! My fears of not being able to help the person is now dealt with as I now have the required knowledge and how to respond in such situations.
Neha Chaurasia, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop was intense. It was filled with information and was experential in nature. I am extremely happy to be a part of this process. Thank you Sir. The act of displaying empathy to every story told was extremely appreciatable of the trainer. The respect given while addressing the participants was extremely good. After attending, I feel equipped in hearing out clients with suicidal thoughts. Major takeaway is the OARS, Types of suicide and risk assessment. I felt very calm and recieved a lot of answers to my inner questions.
Anusha Kartik, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The flow and the content of suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop was good and informative. Breakup group was good to interact among ourselves, but people who do not take part in conversation should not be included in 2 pairs. I liked the trainer’s patience and explanations. As a social activist this will really help me in talking to people as a gatekeeper. Suicide is preventable and we need to keep connecting with those who are vulnerable.
Pratibha Kumar, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper training has given very clear guidelines on how to be an effective gatekeeper – What to do and what not to do. It has given more clarity on the warning signs that suicidal person shows. It has created an awareness and sense of responsibility in me that I could make a difference in the society. He made the session very interactive. We all got an opportunity to express our opinions and every opinion was encouraged and discussed. He is very approachable and empathetic. He covered the topic in a very relevant and organised manner. He also gave various examples from real life that made it very interesting. The biggest learning that I got was I can be a very important part of this movement. Also, that I can identify and reach out to people in emotional distress and I can help and prevent people from suicide. It was very humbling to see a lot of people coming out with their own experiences. I also feel I can make a difference in helping out people with deep emotional distress by being open to listening and being empathetic. I also felt I should be more observant to recognise the warning signs of suicide in people and also be more approachable for people to open up with me when they are going through a turmoil.
Sophia Rawat, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop was very interactive and also lots of knowledge which is not coming to us for any reason let’s say one of them is stigma is not coming to us…. Lots of personal experience of people made us learn alot… The trainer was very determined, cooperative and patient and empathetic. Personally it helped me in my personal healing… Through this workshop I got to learn there are so many people who are suffering from a very bigger reasons and need societal changes and also help office. It helped me in my personal healing. It also encouraged me to help as many people as I can going through the emotional distress. I am more positive about myself after this workshop. I am feeling more good about myself and responsible towards the society.
Manisha Goyal, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
My experience with the suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop was really amazing as I got to know a lot about suicide and its prevention. It was a detaiked workshop with inclusion of knowledge from various schools of thoughts and that really helped me to understand suicide in a holistic manner. Also, the discussion session after every topic. The calm and composed manner in which you dealth with the viewpoints of people and explained everything nicely. I believe that I am better equipped to deal with and understqnd people with suicidal ideations. I think I have a broader perspective now and I learnt how to go beyond judgements and beliefs to actually provide emotional aid to someone.
Kirti Srivastava, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop, the points and discussion were very crisp and clear. It was interactive. It let us explore on our own during the group activity. Everyone was heard and got chance to speak. It was not a one way traffic. By the end everyone was connected to each other and not just with the trainer. I liked the trainer’s calmness and yet the hold of the webinar. He did not lose focus once also. Gave everyone chance to speak. The way he was listening, relating, rephrasing was a live learning example. I learned, to be ready now whenever I get a distressed call, to only give emotional support, show empathy. Role of a gatekeeper, spread as much awareness as possible, be ready to listen without being judgmental. Be calm, be prepared, do not impose your learning or understanding on the other.
Shalini Vangani, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
At suicide prevention gatekeeper training, I liked the opening of discussing and experiences. I liked the trainers indept & elaborate understanding of core concepts. He is approachable & his open attitude. His extensive experience & knowledge. Mainly the workshop helped me recollect my knowledge & experiences as a Counseing Psychologist in dealing with Suicidal inclined cases. Clarified my queries. All that was in sink with my knowledge & understanding of suicide.
Bubai Dev, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
At suicide prevention gatekeeper training, I liked that we were divided into smaller groups and time was given for reflection. It indeed shows a dedicated trainer that even after the time had passed, we extended the session in order to finish everything that was planned. I liked that the trainer was patient throughout and tried his best to give equal opportunity to all participants to participate. He paraphrased the personal sharing of participants which instilled confidence of being listened to. He also remembered which participant had shared what for future reference. I learnt about the myths related to suicide. I learnt that it’s vital that the gatekeeper isn’t shy and/or hesitant about opening the topic of suicide, and that would help the person to feel the confidence to open up. I got a glimpse of the OARS technique and had an overview of what’s okay to say and what’s best to be avoided when playing the role of the gatekeeper. I feel more confident to talk about suicide now should it come up in conversations. I will be more cognizant of warning signs and will not hesitate to take the first step and ask the suicide question if I think someone’s at risk.
Sailee Biwalkar, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
It’s a good way of making people more sensitized towards suicide prevention and more than that you to help and refer to right people who can handle well and help to live with hope. He is a natural Trainer. Ofcourse it was more of participation which allowed each one to share their voice. Listen, understand, speak and express
every learning transforms you more or less. How do you continue to be in that mode depends on each one’s own beliefs.
Shashikala Pandey, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I liked the suicide prevention gatekeeper training workshop as a first introduction to this topic. I didn’t have any prior knowledge of this aspect of suicide. I think I am in a better position to act sensibly if found in a situation where someone is confiding in me about stress in their lives. It also touched upon the aspects of signs of a potential suicide. The trainer was well prepared and is an authority on the subject. He could make the topic fluid and understandable to the participants who came from diverse backgrounds. I learned 1) How to identify or look for verbal/ non verbal signs of people in distress. 2) Not to take a phone call of a person talking about stress lightly. 3) Not to load other person with advice/ comparison/ or self actions during conversation. 4) Be prepared in case such an occasion presents itself. 5) Reach out casually to people you know, periodically, maybe someone needs your help. I gained 1) Attitude towards current situation brought about by the pandemic. 2) Know that help is available. 3) Try to keep people around you aware of your will to listen to them so that a support system is built up.
Priya Gupta, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper training was very interactive, elaborated well. I liked the trainers calm nature and engage each participant’s in the session through which its easy to understand the topic which helps the person to remember always in future. I learnt to be helpful and attentive, not to take granted anyone. I want to participate more and reach out the people.
Poonam Vyas, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop was very informative and applicable. The trainer is very knowledgeable, clear, organized and effective sharing. I feel confident to help others with suicidal ideation. I learnt no need to feel fear and that I can handle…
Dr. M. Sathyabama, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper training workshop has been a complete eye-opener. It busted many myths around suicide and helped me get perspective from the people suffering or planning to end his/her life. It has given me knowledge on the first-steps to be taken to save someone from ending his/her life. Tejas is an extremely informed trainer. He listens and understands the underlining message one is trying to convey during the session. Not even one question was left unanswered and he makes sure to make it interactive giving a platform to everyone to participate. I learnt that, firstly, I am not a therapist. I cannot give medical advise and my work is to provide first aid and recommend the distressed to professionals. It has also helped me to see the signs of suicidal thoughts one may have and help prevent it and thus saving someone’s life by getting additional help. I also learnt that one alone cannot help, a team is required depending from case to case. I feel more awakened after attending the workshop, I realised where I was going wrong when talking to friends.It has helped me know the importance of being a good listener, along with awareness and knowing what not to say.
Raashi Bhalla, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper training workshop was amazing. Lot of learning, got an opportunity to interact with various participants. Group activities were really very interesting. Workshop was very well planned and organised by Tejas Sir. Got a lot of clarity on the Subject. Feeling extremely motivated and eager to be a part of Suicide prevention initiatives. Trainer kept the audience engaged and we got connected through the session which is a very rare quality. Content of the presentation was awesome. Overall an amazing experience 🙂 I always wanted to do something for the people suffering from mental health issues since I have gone through low phases in my life, I can complete empathize with them. This workshop has ignited a spark in me to fulfill my dream. Learnt many things like the myths about suicide, warning signs, types of Suicides, protective factors etc. Also I came to know that I am not the only one having challenges in life. These are many other people who have different challenges. This reminds me of the saying; Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming those challenges is what makes life meaningful 🙂 After attending the workshop, I feel even more joyful, positive, motivated, determined towards my Goals.
Naina Dhar, Batch #10
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper

The best about the suicide prevention workshop was the interaction. There was a very calm space and I didn’t have fear of judgement here. I got the opportunity to interact and practice what is taught to me. I also liked when the people came up to share their own experiences and it points out people around me need support and sometimes they want someone to be just be with them and hear them and just don’t judge them. Sir was very calm. I liked it that Sir made us interact more. Like given the option I would have not spoken or opened up. But Sir made it sure that everyone speaks up and actually learns. It was very beneficial for me. I would me more open now and I have more confidence like Yes, I can give support to the people in need of it. From my earlier experience, I earlier gave a speech on do this or do that to a person who was sad. I will be more empathetic and a reflective listener from now on. I will engage and realised the importance of speaking up. It is important or else I would be promoting the stigma in the society. I am really grateful I attended this session. I have realised that I will not give a lecture or say do this or do that, I will not say not try to teach rather listen empathetically to the other. I dont have to make them realise anything. I will not force my beliefs onto them. I will be there for them. I will ask the right questions not hesitating and making them comfortable and calm at the same time.
Deepanshu Gupta, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I learnt a lot about my own skepticism when dealing with a person who may show warning signs of suicide. My biggest takeaway from the workshop has more to do with my own beliefs about suicide and reluctance to engage with one who is suicidal (thinking this may push them over the edge). Related to the format of the workshop, I found the smaller group engagements very fruitful. They gave us time to bounce off ideas and thoughts with each others in a safe space, free from judgement. The flow of the presentation was also good- giving me time to understand and refer back to points when someone would raise a doubt. I think the trainer gave a very honest and clear understanding of suicide. He definitely seemed to have the experience dealing with clients who were suicidal himself, which helps because it assures us that the methods taught in the workshop do work. A little more confidence in myself about my readiness to deal with any person who may show those warning signs as also those who may be on the 3rd risk level of suicide. My reluctance to talk more and engage with a person who maybe or is suicidal changed. I was of the belief that since this is a sensitive issue not all should handle talking with the individuals, rather refer them to an expert. But this surely gave me a clearer viewpoint that any individual whether an expert or not, can engage with a person having suicidal thoughts. The key is to be more open, asking the correct questions to keep them engaged, encouraging their resilience in the moment, paraphrasing/ reflecting their thoughts and summarizing the conversation.
Suneila Lewis, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop was very informative. It was quite straightforward and concise. It made not only information regarding suicide and its prevention accessible but also had the important aspect of reflection – we as laypeople in the larger society, acknowledging and accepting our biases surrounding suicide and its prevention, and coming out as informed individuals able to provide help to others. The fact that despite overshooting the time limit of the workshop, Tejas sir acknowledged everybody’s queries and reflections, was really good. Further, this acknowledgement was not just done in a passive manner, Sir actually put forth subsequent questions for us to reflect upon as individuals going to become suicide prevention gatekeepers. He also used examples from his own experience as a practitioner in the field and explained concepts well. That individuals who have suicidal ideation are not determined to die. They are often ambivalent and most times want something to be done about their distress. Apart from the static knowledge about suicide and its prevention, I also learnt about my own inhibitions and apprehensions surrounding suicide and being able to “be there” for someone as a help during a crisis situation. I think I am now more open to talking about suicide in the larger society. Also, I am now more comfortable being present as a help for someone who has suicidal ideation and steering them in the right direction to provide them professional help.
Garima Chaturvedi, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The content of the suicide prevention workshop was great. It was highly interactive and not one way street which felt great. There was also importance on participants thinking if they had any suicidal thoughts which was very effective. The trainer made a point to listen to everyone and brought in a lot of examples.
I feel more confident about my practice as a therapist now. After attenting the workshop, a lot of inhibitions were broken down and a lot of know-hows were explored.
Praneeta Katdare, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop enlightened me as a professional and as a human that how we keep judging a person in daily life and how we need to find the reason behind every behaviour and not label someone too soon. The trainer was a good listener and reflected well and also he was really positive towards every person who wanted to share things and was very accepting. Personally, I was really scared to talk about suicide and as a professional I never felt I would take up this topic, but now I am really confident that atleast I can empathise and be a gatekeeper and try and help others as much as I can. I really felt relieved and my anxiety was gone during the end of the session.
Ishani Abhay Chandratre, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was comprehensive and the trainer was experienced. His experience shows in the way he communicates. The societal aspect was so important, I am already a QPR Gatekeeper, and this training was an addition, and practically very relevant. It was full of revelations, transformation was, being a mental health professional, that sometimes, I label/assume the person, and listening requires effort, with this workshop, I became more aware of that.
Rahul Verma, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was insightful and informative. It really helped me understand the types and the various reasons why someone would feel like ending their life, I liked the way the trainer validated everyone’s point and the breakout sessions. I can straight away talk about their suicidal plannings and as a gatekeeper, its my responsibility to refer them to a professional and Empathy is the key. I am more confident now that i can be a good keeper after this session.
Joselin Femilda J, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I liked the methodology and teaching style of the trainer. The calmness and peace in him, non-judgmental & non-hurrying into conclusions. Allowing everyone to speak. After attenting the workship, I am thinking how can I become less biased & more responsible to the society. It is I got an insightful session. I became lesser biased, felt responsible for the people who comes to me seeking help & empathy.
Ekata Deb, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was a very insightful workshop. We got to learn a lot through the workshop. It was a much needed initiative and now we will be looking at the suicide with another perspective and will try and be there for the one’s who need us. Sir was so polite and generous and gave us a comprehensive idea about the way we can be of help and support to a person. Looking forward to many more sessions and workshops with Sir. Tejas Sir was very polite, generous, encouraging and it felt like we are at our comfort zone, he was so patient with all of us and listened to us in detail. Glad that we got to share our experiences with him. A great session. After attending the session, I learned that Suicide is preventable, we have to be there for someone and even that can create a huge impact, empathy is much in such a situation. I now look at the term Suicide with a new perspective. I feel that now I can relate to them more, it is not a personal failure rather is a pain they wish to share with other. I will try and be more sensitive to all the ones who are around and be more empathetic after this workshop.
Somya Bhardwaj, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The best thing about the suicide prevention workshop was that it was interactive and experiential. There was no judgement from anyone regarding anyone’s opinion, everyone was respected and encouraged to learn. The small break out groups facilitated a closer interaction, and gave us all the chance to speak and discuss, which might have been difficult in a big group, it helped us reflect and understand suicide. It helped facilitate an open communication, breaking several myths. I learnt a lot. The trainer was warm and knew the content well, he was able to answer all questions and make it interesting. He made it a point to include everyone and gave everyone a chance to speak, despite the time running out, no one felt unheard. He made it so interactive and interesting, I didn’t even realise how time passed. I want to thank the trainer for creating a safe space which in turn would help us create for others. After attending the workshop, I am more comfortable with initiating conversations about suicide, recognising signs and most importantly I learnt that I’m not accountable for others and it’s okay to stop engaging if I’m not comfortable. Also I learnt that people wanting to die by Suicide want to end their misery not themselves in essence. Now, I feel more comfortable with initiating conversations about suicide.
Yuktika Pilania, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was a very interactive session. Got to know about the various warning signs, risk factors and skills required to be a suicide prevention gatekeeper. Sharing ideas and talking to people in groups was very helpful and was a new experience. Tejas Sir is a very calm and polite person. He listened to every participant’s queries and views. He also gave each and every participant the opportunity and encouragement to speak up. He extended the session and made sure that all the topics were covered properly. The case that he shared with us helped me understand more about how a suicide prevention gatekeeper is supposed to act in tense situations. I am very grateful that I got an oppurtunity to learn from him. I learnt a lot. I learnt about the risk factors, the warning signs, the protective factors, the OARS skills which a very essential. I also learnt about how to ask about suicidal thoughts and the suicide plan while talking to a person in distress. I feel much more confident about being able to handle people having suicidal thoughts.
Neelima Raina, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was very interactive; I benefited a lot from the breakrooms; it has lessened my fear about dealing with issues of suicide since I’m better informed; very informative and clear and comprehensive despite the time limitations. I like that the trainer addressed all the doubts patiently and tries to understand what people’s concerns and doubts are; I appreciate the patience (esp since session was extended but trainer was still very clear in the training); benefited from the specific cases and experiences that were shared. It lessened my fear and broadened my knowledge; I believed some myths like “if you are suicidal you are probably depressed”, etc. I know better now; since mental illnesses and suicidal thoughts are very prevelant and I have come across it in my close social circle, the knowledge learned is very helpful. I’ve become clearer on what biases and misconceptions I had and working on them; I feel more competent about dealing with this issue on an emotional level as well as skill level.
Shenbaga Nithila R, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was quite high for me but I found informative for myself. The discussion part of workshop helps us to communicate our views with others. I like the the way of representation and the depth of information the trainer gave to us. I learnt so many things from the depths, and I guess this will definitely help me. Yes it was quite deep but at the end I have at least that much knowledge through which I can help to people around me. It is so much important to talk with that person who having suicidal thoughts, not just talk but talk in right way. Firstly being friend with them will help them to open themselves Infront of you.
Shubhangi Bhor, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I am very happy and I feel extremely lucky that I was a part of this workshop. Special thanks to Tejas sir, who made it very interactive session. It gave me an insight and better outlook towards suicide and it’s prevention. I feel extremely thankful to Sir that he carried it out so well and put a lot of efforts and hard work in making it such an enriching workshop. I would definitely practically use the knowledge that I gain through this workshop. I liked following about Sir’s input: It was an interactive session. Sir was very patient throughout the session. He gave opportunities to all the participants for coming forward and clearing their doubts and asking questions. He was very much responsive and cleared everyone’s doubts. He explained everything along with examples. I also liked that he also shared some of his own experiences with similar cases. The PPT was comprehensive and it completed everything that I wanted to know. I also liked that he encouraged each participants to come forward and speak. The suicide prevention workshop gave me a more comprehensive and better outlook about suicide and it’s prevention. I learnt about the myths about suicide and the real facts associated with it. Many doubts related to suicide are clear and now I feel that i have better outlook and insight about suicide and it’s prevention. I also feel that I will try to connect more with my family and friends and will try to help them out by asking them frequently about their well being. Also I will encourage others to attend these workshops and become a gatekeeper themselves.
Richa Chandel, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Totally enjoyed and learned a lot in a comfortable environment. The style and the knowledge of the presenter, Mr. Tejas Shah was totally amazing. The techniques personally healed and helped me to get over some of my emotional and even physical pain. I am happy to try and introduce it to others. The workshop was an experience in itself, unlike any other psychotherapy (which I have had regularly). It is easy and enjoyable and deeply powerful. Glad to know this I can actually help someone from taking their life or Atleast help them out from their destructive situation. Thanks a lot! Mr. Tejas Shah was great as a presenter and delivered the webinar clearly. Love all the resources and found it easy to follow. Loved it. I love the ease of which I feel in Mr. Tejas Shah’s workshops to be open and to connect with the other participants. There are many factors alongside and including depression and mental illness that influence a person’s decision to go through with suicide: chronic ill health, guilt, trauma, substance abuse or loss, for example. The tragic thing is that many of those who consider suicide don’t really want to die; they just don’t know how to deal with the pain they’re experiencing. I learned to: Pay attention to warning signs, Talk to someone. Pay attention to the verbal signs.
Shruti Sakpal, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop was very informative. It touched upon every necessary point on the topic Suicide. It guided me as to how to be an effective Gatekeeper. The time I felt was less. I like the breakout room idea to discuss every relevant topic. It was an interactive session. Please keep me posted if you have a advance session. I liked the practical training part. First of all it clarified the Myths about Suicide and how to engage person who is trying to commit suicide. I feel equipped to handle the suicidal cases now.
Vaishali Bawle, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
It’s was very unique and vivid in a certain sense. Enthusiasm and vigour also calmness to assess situations. It opened a new way in my current journey and may help me in my career. I haven’t yet transformed and believe it’s a slow but steady process. Thus waiting for my constant change.
Neil Vijay Singh, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The most crucial part of the suicide prevention workshop was that it had an impact on me is that it was multi-directional, various perspectives based; real, logical, sensible & prominently effective considering the depth of the topic. A greatly set session with lots of beneficial interactions & some interactive tasks. Informative, accurate & precisely good. Would like to thank for giving me this experience. The trainer was acknowledging every point, even from the participants. Also, a notable thing is that when many of the participants weren’t interacting, he asked them to speak up & interact which was actually necessary to have different takes on the topics. Also, his energy & readiness was prime, throughout the session. The workshop made me understand the depth of the matter, which I might have overlooked earlier. Also, it did teach me on how the right approach is necessary at such a critical, crucial & sensitive situation. Along with broader perspective, I will also take home the appropriate way to deal with the situation by being calm by ourselves first, & then mainly by being there with the person in need. No matter the way you are accompanying the person, being there at that moment & listening to their talks & understanding their situation instead of comparing/advising or redirecting them elsewhere. The main thing is to be a reflective listener & the most important thing is to show empathy over sympathy. I feel enlightened, I would say. Like getting the several ways of saving a life, if we can, is the best feeling for us too & being there for someone in need is not only a friend’s job, but as a Gatekeeper, even as strangers, we can be there for someone now, with the proper knowledge on the matter is quite important. Honestly, I’m more aware now, more sensitive & sensible, & feel that I can try my very best to help out at least one person & then many more with proper approaches. Also, personally, now I can be quick at analyzing the help I can provide someone with any particular crisis situation. Also, will like to take many more trainings for bettering whatever I’ve learnt here.
Chaitanya Ekanath Gawade, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was very very interactive unlike other workshops where there is only one way communication happens. I really liked the way how it was grouped into 3 for discussions. Trainer was able to get our thoughts easily when we were trying to put our points across. Personally i felt that when ever someone dies of suicide there are hints provided by the person which others should catch. I felt that if we talk or connect more often, suicide can be prevented.
Mandeep Kaur, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was a self reflective, unlearning and relearning especially about openly asking questions on suicidal ideation and action. I liked the trainer was very calm, mindful, coherent and approaching. That there are discourse happening around suicide prevention and it can be handled with better approach. I always thought asking direct questions on suicidal ideation and action is a triggering point but learnt of the usefulness offer being direct about it.
Shivalal Gautam, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Purpose of the program was well defined with practical in understable language. The whole session was very enjoyable, informative and useful. The trainer had very systematic approach. Explanation given by step by step. Everyone was allowed to interact. Got the real meaning and knowledge on Suicide.Gained confidence in handling Suicide prevention. Feeling more comfortable after the session, hope to manage distress situations.
Arabjan.S.A., Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The most interesting fact about the suicide prevention workshop is that it went on from a broader perspective to the root cause of the problem. It also highlighted the society beliefs and the stigma that prevents an individual from accepting his/her problems and that he/she needs help. When I talk about a 4 hours training at a stretch, it can turn out to boring and dull after sometime. But when Tejas sir started addressing us, he started in a very natural mode and remained so until the last minute of the session. Also, the session being interactive and open to views and opinions, made it extremely interesting for the participants. The content that the trainer shared was precise and accurate. I look forward to practice the learning and spread the awareness about the same. Also, if I encounter any problem around me in regards to suicide or distress, I look forward to help the person and guide accordingly. The most important learning I acquired today from the workshop is that you cannot be a helper to your family, friends and close relatives. Hence, it is advisable to refer them to someone else. My perspective about life and death, my perception about people and their mental, physical or emotional health has changed. I, now, personally choose to be an effective listener and guide the person in need with best possible ways.
Charmy Suresh Shah, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The systematic flow of the session was amazing, the breakout sessions (last session for pair s if two can be a bit longer) were amazing as we could interact with others and the workshop did not feel like a lecture format. The 1st response steps in dealing with someone who is suicidal were nicely explained. The trainer was very well versed with the content. Had good control over the workshop and gave good amount of time for the participants to give their opinions and doubts. The session gave me an insight on how to provide 1st aid; what to focus while dealing with someone who is suicidal; it has brought down the fear of talking about suicide directly and not suppressing it. There needs to be no guilt; barriers or stereotype. We need to deal with our own emotions. It brought in confidence in to talk over this issue as well as aid in prevention process
Bhakti Shah, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I loved the fact that there were break out rooms to discuss questions in smaller groups. Doing this helps one to become more comfortable in sharing viewpoints as its few individuals. The trainer tried to include every participant during the interactive session. I loved the fact that the trainer has experience and used case studies to highlight topics in the session. How to deal with individuals with suicide ideation at the broader level. It was refreshing to be speaking rather than to be listening in a break out session when we were instructed to ask the other person if they have ever thought about suicide. When the other individual asked me about it, I was taken aback as its the very first time anyone has asked me this question.
Priyanka Moryani, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The whole suicide prevention workshop was full of experiences for me. In this time it is important for everyone to have a basic knowledge and skills for suicide and suicide prevention. It helped give a different perception towards the whole issue and the problems that people face. The trainer was very interactive in his approach. They involved all the participants in the discussion and all the questionsrs of the participant were answered. How to deal with people. How to recognise the red flags. How to help them. My view and perception regarding people who attempt suicide or die by suicide changed. I gained a deeper insight towards the problem and how it should be dealt with.
Aastha Gupta, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Totally enjoyed the knowledgeable suicide prevention workshop. Tejas sir was explaining the workshop in a simple manner and was much easy to understand, the knowledge Tejas sir shared with us was very informative. The workshop was an experience in itself. It helped me to understand my own problems and how to deal with it. And the workshop has given me enough confidence to go out and help someone from taking their life or atleast help them out in their difficult times or in their panic situation. It was very interactive workshop and much enjoyable. Thank you. Tejas sir was on point and has vast knowledge/experience in this feild. Sir was very calm throughout the workshop and also helped us to be comfortable and even tried to be interactive with everyone. He presented and delivered the webinar very professionally and with clear points. Sir was also very attentive to all the participants. It was open and interactive workshop overall. Thank you sir for taking the initiative and spreading the awareness about mental health. ✌️ I learned a lot from the workshop. 1) So many factors about suicide like :- warning signs, risk factors, types of suicide, suicide myths, it’s emotional impacts, protective factors , OARS. (Knowledgeable things) 2)how to approach someone and to deal with panic situations. 3) To be a good listener without judging them. The main point is the person who wants to end his life by suicide, doesn’t want to die or don’t really want to end his life . They just want to end the pain.( they don’t know how to deal with the pain they are suffering). • To observe someone’s signs and warnings. • Be interactive with everyone and always be ready to help someone in these situations. • Talk to them and be a good listener. • Be calm in panic situations. • To open up about mental health. And normalise these things. And definitely to spread awareness about it.”
Onkar Ghag, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I liked the comprehensiveness of the suicide prevention workshop. Pointed information, good guided discussions and small group activities through break out rooms. Good blend of theory and practice skills are covered.However, more practice time is required. This training should be for 6 – 8 hours spread over 2 days. I would like to go through the training once again for better absorption and also become a Trainer. His in-depth knowledge and clear explanations. Wide perspective. Good teaching skills. I appreciate the trainer’s wide angled views from psychological & social perspective. Gentle way of challenging the participants’ views. Gained knowledge (especially the theoretical base related to suicide prevention). Risk assessment for suicide. The how to of the 3 steps of “Identify – Engage – Refer”. More confidence in handling suicidal clients. That any intervention is good intervention. Myths about Suicide busted. That positivity can also be toxic and harmful.
Uma Iyer Suresh, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Detailed description covering varied aspects under the umbrella of suicide. He has a good command on the topic. Awareness and how to spread awareness and;deal prompt and effectively on a taboo or stigmatized topic in India. Overcame my reluctance or hesitance to strike a conversation abt suicide or suicidal ideation.
Sarah Rais, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I liked the insight gained and activity during the suicide prevetnion workshop, I enjoyed the case study discussion. The trainer has very good communication skills, excellent rapport building, good planning of the session. As a Counselor helped me to reaach more with clear insight. I gained more knowledge, will be able to reach people more effeciently.
Deepika Tarafder, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Everything was fabulous about the suicide prevention workshop, right from Information, assessment, interaction till interventions. It was a holistic approach. Trainer was simply superb. Great orator with fantastic communication skills. He knows how to hold the crowd. Personally it gave me a new approach in Intervention at the first stage… that is to be a good listener with reflection. I’m confident to now be a Suicide prevention gatekeeper.
Mrs Madhumita Kshirsagar, Batch #09
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper

The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was a very informative session. The trainer was very informative. He was one of the very few trainers who addressed the suicidal ideations and thoughts of the therapist and not just the client. The workshop was thought provoking and helped me reflect on this and help me improve my ways of helping my client. I would definitely read up more on this. I gained a lot of insight about gatekeeper training. The information will guide me to help my clients better. Thank you.
Debanjali Basu, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was comprehensive and helped to understand our role as a gatekeeper. I liked the presentation skills of the trainer and he helped to stay with it even on the online platform. Attending the workshop can help me to be more aware and identify people with suicidal thoughts and help them in a required manner. Even as a mental health professional it is sometimes difficult to work with patients having suicidal thoughts. The workshop helped me to be more reflective and rather than being fearful to work with such patients it has helped me refine my skills. Personally, I gained an attitudinal transformation towards suicide where there are lots of misperceptions and myths about it.
Prakriti Sharma, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was well structured and neatly conducted despite having technical glitches. The patience and commitment of the speaker and the organizers must be highly appreciated. I liked patience and openness of the trainer the most. The workshop helped me to get better insights on being a gate-keeper. It also helped me to know more about suicide and refine my humble understanding about the role of a mental health practitioner in preventing suicide. Recently, I came across a situation in which one of my friend had active suicidal ideations. During that time, I found it really difficult to manage unpleasant emotions along with handling my own emotions associated with the distress that he has been going through. I better hope to save lives after attending the workshop…
Aswathi Prasad, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop, from a learning perspective the information was adequate and understandable. Tejas Sir touched many areas that could be more read upon. Sir came across as a person who had given a lot of time to not only study it but understand the subjectivity behind suicide. He explained very clearly and the personal touches made the presentation all the more engaging. I gained better understanding of vocabulary pertaining to suicide. I learned the ability to focus and identify more on red flags. I learned the role of community in suicide prevention. I learned that ‘everybody experiences suicide thoughts once in their life’ it was a novel thing to get to know. The role of socialisation before the development of mental health issues. I could relate to my patients and in general.
Rupal Kaura, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I felt the Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was a very concise and comprehensive presentation. The trainer broke down our plan of action as gatekeepers with examples focusing in what we could do rather than what we should not do as gatekeepers. I got to understand the sociological aspects of suicide and I feel I would look now more into the sociological aspect, before jumping into conclusions about the client’s condition, as having only sprung due to individual factors specific to them. I always thought that suicidal ideations and thoughts are limited to people with prior mental health conditions, as opposed to any individual at any point of time having it. I think my clinical training which trained me to look for comorbidity in psychopathology presented, is to blame for that. At least after listening to your lecture, I would be careful about that bias henceforth.
Gayathri Santhosh, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was enriching and informative. Being an M.Phil student I knew most of the informations. However, more I participate this type of workshop more I get the opportunity to prepare myself for intervening such cases. Sir has explained each and every concept very well with an example. It enhanced my confidence for intervening. As this approach is meant for suicide prevention, it means it can save life of a person and saving life is very important. Because if an ‘art’ is destroyed, then the Artist could make it again and for that the artist needs to be alive.
Sucharita Chatterjee, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was well informative with simplest explanation to understand and reflect on it. One thing that actually clicked me in the workshop about the trainer was, how enthusiastic he was and most importantly I could feel the zeal he is in, that sparked to me even through a electronic screen. His calmness and his positive perception about event around him does really justify his role as a suicide prevention gatekeeper. This workshop provided me with better tools and understanding to deal with the suicide cases. This workshop has given me a even better understanding and a broader view, as to how to understand, deal and look at a suicidal case all together. The warning signs, risk factors, psychosocial factors contributing to suicide risks.
Aditi Gupta, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I liked that the Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was constructed in a way to be interactive. The speaker also used case study examples. The trainer seemed very genuine while speaking about the topic. He also was very open to questions. After attending the workshop, it helped me categorise and systemise the information I had about suicide prevention. This is a effective guide to encourage people to become aware of suicide prevention and instil confidence at the time of emergency. It has made me more confident to imagine myself helping in a crisis situation.
K. Pallavi, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was very focused on the said topic. It was interesting due to case discussions and experience sharing. It was a mixture of theoretical and practical knowledge leading a listener to develop more interest in the subject. About the trainer, he used simple words, short but verywell explained theoretical work. I liked his experience sharing. Well, the workshop helped me gain clarity with the thought that I want to help people. It also showed me that there are many groups that let one volunteer for such work. Because at times, despite being a mental health professional or trainee, it becomes overwhelming when u have a challenging case to handle with multiple problems. So having a group of individuals to support is wonderful and very helpful. Well, I thought there’s a lot that I can learn to help those in need, especially for those who desire to end there issues and sadness through suicide. It motivated me to work more in the field. And it reassured my thinking of suicide not being the answer and neither would problems solve if one commits suicide and is not present there at all.
Kranti Purandare, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was very informative and it covered all the important aspects that one should aware of as a Mental Health Worker, Trainee or Professional. It introduced us towards the types of suicide which further helped to know and understand it. I am really thankful to Tejas Sir for conducting this workshop. Thank you sir for your time, patience and effort. You covered all the important aspects related to topic and helped us to understand the myths, risk factors, types of suicide, step by step intervention and last but not the least sharing with us the helpline no. to further help the individual who have suicidal thoughts. I really want to appreciate the pace with which you delivered all the important information sir, it helped us to absorb it effectively. The presentation reflected your hard work and efforts to help more people like me and other health professionals too to learn about the topic and to sensitively one should help the individual with suicidal thoughts. I gained more knowledge about suicide and it’s prevention. I learned that we can prevent suicide by awaring others to know and recognize the warning signs in the individual who is having suicidal thoughts. It helped me to learned step by step psychological aid that we can provide to the person who is having suicidal thoughts. The workshop gave me so many new perspectives to understand and how to intervene the one having suidal thoughts. There can be so many reasons or struggles behind the person who die by suicides.
Nisha, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The content of the Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was very informative and the way of explanation also made it easy to absorb the knowledge. I liked the rich data and content, also style of explanation of Tejas Sir’s presentation. The workshop helped me gain clarity and made me realise where all my views were wrong. After attending the workshop, I realised how little importance is given to this topic, and how it feels like a big road block in the mental health field. It gave good knowledge about how to work with road block.
Rhea Joseph, Batch #08
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper

Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was one of the best session I have attended till date. It was quite interactive and our every question was so beautifully addressed. Learning experience was fun, interesting and memorable one. Tejas sir made us so comfortable that we could freely express our opinions and communicate. Moreover, he processed the information in much retentive way. After attending the workshop, I got insights on how to actually counsel and cope up with the people having suicidal thoughts. Moreover, we were provided practical approaches to apply in our daily life as well. As a medical student also we feel agitated to speak up in the community about the topic. But the discussion today made us aware that we should start discussing among ourselves in the first place. After attending the workshop, I felt that once we open up then others can also open up in the same way.
Abhigya Parajuli, Batch #07
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was wonderful. The best part was the interaction. It was quite an enriching session. The best part about the trainer was his patience. He listened to our views and was very humble. Personally, I came to know different perspectives of people which was quite surprising. Most of the times, we only look into the matter through our perspective but after attending the workshop, I learnt to consider other people’s perspective and respecting it. I feel more empathetic after attending the workshop. I now know how to make sure that the person in front of us feel respected. We need to make sure not to be minimize their feelings.
Soni Yadav, Batch #07
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was a very informative workshop and got to know a lot of thing and would definitely abide them in real life. Trainer was very friendly and interactive. Personally, I got to learn a lot about how the situation needs to be accessed and what to do. After attending the workshop, I now see situation in different scenarios.
Riya Gupta, Batch #07
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was very helpful and comprehensible. The trainer made it easy to understand and very clear. I’m confident that I can be a suicide gatekeeper now. After attending the workshop, I have realized that it is really important to empathize and connect to others in a relatable manner.
Rahul Ravindra, Batch #07
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I liked the way in which everybody was interacting during the suicide prevention workshop. Trainer was so nice and explained each and everything so precisely. I liked the way he interacted with us. I liked the question and answer rounds. Active participation was very helpful in learning aspects about suicide. I have learned so many things from this workshop like from now onwards if I will find a person with suicidal thoughts I will definitely keep all the points in my mind that I have come across through this workshop.
Harleen Kaur, Batch #07
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was an amazing experience to try and lean into both the minds of someone under depression as well as someone who can be a powerful force to change the outcome for that person. Tejas Sir took the time to make us understand, debate and teach us the intricacies of suicide prevention. We learned to identify, assess, manage, calm down and even prevent long lasting damage to person by role playing and discussion with others. I benefited, from a person who knew about depression to how to manage someone who has it, to engage with him/her and understand, it was amazing to see other like minded people interact.
Manaspreet Singh, Batch #07
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was an interactive, energetic and enriching workshop. The trainer encouraged everyone to interact during the session. I feel I am stronger person now, and I will never think of suicide as a resort of any failure I face in my life. After attending the workshop, I realised to be more empathetic to the person who asks for my help in times of crisis.
Kusum Karra, Batch #07
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was very interactive and covered all the aspects. Tejas sir was able to build a rapport really fast and explained every query, answered all the questions & encouraged active participation. After attending the workshop, I learned a lot about the dos & don’t on how to become a gatekeeper. I personally feel better equipped to handle a situation with some brilliant insights on how to become a gatekeeper.
Tanveer Singh, Batch #07
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I really liked the way Tejas sir explained everything with interaction. The way he interacted and made the interest in the topic. After attending the workshop, I learnt how to handle a person who is in crisis. How to deal with your feelings during tough times.
Sukhmani Gumber, Batch #07
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was really informative and the interactive session was the icing on the cake. The workshop was conducted in a simple but effective manner and covered almost everything in such a short period of time. Tejas sir is a genuine professional. Sir used very easy language and along with that provided us with a very comfortable but safe space to express ourselves. As someone who is on both the sides of the couch, it gave me a better insight to help myself and the people whom I come across on a daily basis. I felt I was much more confident as sir provided with a safe space and it helped me to get a better perspective and insight about various opinions/thoughts that others have.
Harsimar Kaur, Batch #07
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper

The fact that Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop is highly interactive is a huge plus point. You get to know everyone’s point of view which broadens your own perspective. While talking to everyone you realize that this is a much more common phenomena than you think, and how everyone can actually relate to it. It was very informative, precise, well curated, systematic and easy to understand. Tejas Sir’s specialty according to me would be that he’s always interactive and patient. You will never feel like it is a lecture but more of a discussion. He’s always listening to his students, giving his own thoughts and also guiding the student’s thoughts whenever needed. While being patient with you he’ll also make sure you aren’t going astray which is wonderful. He has ample experience to teach with examples and makes us understand more through them. He’s also very practical, and understands the problems of this generation. The most important point would be that he’s very easy to talk to. The workshop has given me alot of information about causes, types and warnings of suicide and broadened my perspective. It has equipped me with alot of skills needed in times of crisis. It has given confidence to deal with something like this in the future. I will definitely keep an open eye from now and this workshop has helped me to identify individuals who are suicidal. It’ll be easier for me to spot people who need help. I feel more confident.
~ Dr Utkarsha Basakhetre, Batch #06
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was extremely engaging and informative. I have gained an understanding of the whole topic and looking forward to executing it in days to come. The trainer was absolutely amazing in terms of conviction and moderation. I would love to work under his leadership. It helped me to gain some insights on the topic and I got to introspect as in where I was going wrong and where I have room to improve. My thoughts did not alter actually this workshop validated it. Also, I will be more confident in dealing with cases like this in future.
~ Sreeja Das, Batch #06
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this very insightful and informative Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop. The best part of the workshop was the breakout room sessions since it encouraged discussion in small groups and allowed each one of us to share our thoughts and experiences. Mr. Tejas explained everything extremely well and patiently answered our doubts and let us share our view points. He carried out this workshop brilliantly and four hour long workshop did not even once feel boring or dull. And i really look forward to more advanced level workshops with him. Now I feel I am equipped to identify, engage and refer a person having suicidal ideation. And this makes me feel really good and happy that i can be of some help to the community and help in suicide prevention as a gatekeeper. I have become more sensitive and aware of my responsibility towards my family and friends and also those who approach me to share their thoughts and feelings. And whatever incorrect notions that i had regarding suicide and its prevention have been addressed in this workshop. I am very grateful to Mr. Tejas Shah for imparting knowledge and awareness about such a sensitive and prevalent topic of concern for everybody.
~ Vrinda Sharma, Batch #06
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was a great experience. The concept explanation was wonderful and making it interactive literally released all the fear or anxiousness about the topic as I had witnessed it in my closed ones. The hesitation is definitely gone. I liked Tejas Sir’s explanation and aptness about the topic. The workshop has removed the hesitation factor in me and from now on I would like to be a gatekeeper to someone and refer the case to Tejas Sir so would stay connected. My anxiety about the topic has ended.
~ Simrita Basrur, Batch #06
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was insightful, the interactive session with group members was sharing of knowledge. Tejas was inspiring and open to all the queries very patiently. I gained knowledge and undersatnding of suicidal situations. I feel empowered and motivated after attending the workshop.
~ Dr Shraddha Bhat, Batch #06
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I liked that participants were actively involved in the suicide prevention workshop. The trainer is friendly and has flexible attitude. During the workshop, many of my myths were broken down by the accurate reasoning provided by the trainer. I learned that suicides are preventable. After attending the workshop, I am confident and I will definitely promote the awareness about the gatekeeper’s attitude.
~ Simran Rehill, Batch #06
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
It was wonderful. The best part was, the interactions. Tejas is so dedicated, his modesty is the key of connect for me. It worked up my own stand regarding suicide and helped me relating to them more objectively. I am now more informed. I am thus, more confident.
~ Priyanka Mukherjee, Batch #06
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Workshop was very interesting it helped me to introspect myself and gave me confidence to help out people who are dealing with suicidal thoughts or plan. The whole structure of the workshop with group discussion was a great idea as it helped me to come across so many different views of people which helped me learn a lot from them. The trainer was able to explain everything beautifully and was calm even when we were running short on time. He yet gave us the best experience of the workshop and gave us an environment where we can comfortably voice our views and ask questions. The workshop helped me in understanding my beliefs and introspect myself as to know what all things I’ve been doing right and wrong. It also gave me confidence to reach out to people who need my help. Instead of me focusing on my views towards right to life and right to die I’ll now rather concentrate on what’s the belief of the person going through these situations without being biased or judgmental. Also, Now I’ll try to be more empathetic towards others and will be conscious to never silverline someone else’s problems and will therefore choose my words correctly.
~ Abishaina Harris, Batch #06
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper

I feel that attending this suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop has been very productive and informative for me. It has given people a chance to break the stigma and actually discuss, sensitive issues such as suicide and suicide prevention. It has made me more confident to be able to deal with the suicide and people with suicidal ideation. The workshop was quite interactive and one of the best workshops that I attended so far, because here it was not just about the theory, it was more about the awareness which is needed regarding this subject. I really enjoyed it and would surely recommend people to join. The trainer was very clear and thorough with his concepts and was able to make people understand, what he intended. He was also very open to the viewpoints of other members which actually made all the members very comfortable throughout the workshop. The suicide prevention workshop helped me break my cycle of anxiety which I used to have when the topic of suicide was being discussed. Because I always feared that I will say something wrong which will further make the situation worse, but after attending this workshop I gained a new perspective and more clarity on the topic, I feel more comfortable and confident in my ability to deal with such scenarios. I feel that my thought process has widened, and I will be able to keep my reservations aside and talk to the client with empathy. And my own thinking won’t be a barrier which can further lead the individual to act defensive and not being able to communicate with me.
~ Shivangi Gupta, Batch #05
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
My experience about this suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop was very enriching. I never realised where the time flew. The trainer, Mr. Tejas, is very informative. He made sure to hear everyone out and validate their responses. He made sure that the workshop was fun, informative and fast paced. There was so much happening yet there wasn’t any moment where I felt bored or the information was way too much. I would also like to thank Mr. Tejas for allowing me to feel and work on my anxiety towards having conversations regarding suicide. He acknowledged and validated everyone’s responses. He is very informative. I enjoyed learning from him. After attending this workshop, I feel confident enough to have a conversation regarding suicide prevention. Also it made me sure in my ability to help out anyone who comes to me with suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideation. The greatest transformation for me is that this workshop and Mr. Tejas allowed me to feel and work at my anxiety towards having difficult conversations. Especially, during the group process, I could work on my anxiety and I am very grateful for that. I feel confident now.
~ Kuntal Vora, Batch #05
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I felt that the workshop was really enriching. I gained an insight into how I must deal with someone who is having suicidal thoughts. I thought that the workshop was very comprehensive and would equip me to Adequately and appropriately work towards suicide prevention. I liked how the workshop was very interactive. Initially I had been afraid that it might become a little overwhelming, however the workshop was nowhere overwhelming and very educative. I thought that the trainer was empathetic and understanding. He made sure that all the participants felt comfortable and gave us the space to engage in a conversation. Instead of forwarding his own idea of how we should perceive something, he equipped us To form our own perspective. He is very coherent and could communicate his point with ease. I thought that he was very engaging and did not lose the participants at any point. For a really long time I’ve been grappling with the question as to how I should communicate with someone who has suicidal thoughts. I work in the disability support committee of my university and we have some high-risk students who are more susceptible to suicide. It’s always a challenge as to how to engage with them and I think that this workshop would enable me to more openly communicate with someone at a higher risk. It also allowed me to reflect on my own thoughts and make sense of my experiences. I feel like I was able to reflect on my repressed thoughts and feelings. For a really long time I hadn’t really ever been able to communicate openly about my own experiences and In the workshop I felt very comfortable doing so. I was able to make sense of why I felt and how I felt. It was very reassuring to know that a lot of people have similar experiences and there is nothing I should be ashamed of. It was an eye-opener. Some of the conceptions that I had have also been put into perspective.
~ Srianusha Thotakura, Batch #05
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
It was a wonderful learning experience. The whole group was very supportive and interactive through. About the facilitator, I would like to extend my gratitude towards Mr. Tejas Shah was organizing such an interactive and insightful workshop. I had my own preconceived notions regards suicide prevention and they have been very well addressed by him during the workshop. The trainer was very friendly and patiently answered our questions throughout the workshop. The whole workshop was practical based and the trainer gave us practical examples and shared real life experiences which made it very easy for us to relate to. It helped me relieve my fear of addressing the problem in the first place. I have been skeptical about how to go about which the first step and the workshop helped me show a way. It helped me gain a better clarity and change my thoughts regarding how should one go about with the primary intervention.
~ Noopur Gawankar, Batch #05
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was very compact and useful. My experience was worth it. I liked the fact that he individually paid attention and facilitated the meeting impartially. As a therapist, I do ask people about their suicidal ideation, but it has always been scary. The workshop made me open up to such questions and topics. After attending the workshop, I experienced that I can ask these questioned more freely and openly to the clients. It has opening me up as a therapist and made me more comfortable addressing these questions.
~ Naushi Chokhani, Batch #05
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I liked the group discussions the most. I liked the trainer’s organising and execution of the session smoothly also the content of workshop. I gained knowledge and confidence and after attending the suicide prevention workshop I’m able to express and converse much better.
~ Pushpa.K, Batch #05
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper certificate training helped me understand how I can proceed step by step to identify, engage and refer a person at risk of suicide which I was unsure about earlier. The session was collaborative and full of opportunity for group discussions and for us to come up with an understanding on our own instead of completely depending on the trainer to dictate it to us. I learned something I wanted to learn since long and now I feel a bit confident to face such a situation in future if it ever arrives. I used to think that people vulnerable to emotional distress if confronted with suicidal ideations might feel triggered and conversation might induce suicidal ideations, though it is not the case and I learned that talking about suicidal ideations needs to be normalized.
~ Shiny Shrivastava, Batch #05
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper

Feedback from participants for the Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Certificate Training Batch #01
This is the most productive thing I’ve done in this uncertain lock-down period! The workshop was of course very engaging but that was only because Tejas Sir made us enthusiastic about it since the very start. The breakout groups were amazing and not for one second I felt that I “didn’t fit in” I like that acceptance feeling from all the members and Sir too, which is also evident from the extension of time period that he did for us and didn’t leave us mid-way or rush through things. What I liked the most was how I became comfortable with my own anxieties after the 2+ hour workshop, which is a beautiful feeling and can come in handy when I need to empathize. That was a big take away.
Tejas Sir, I would love to meet you in person and if you’re reading this, you’ve gained a fan today. I loved your happy face, your tireless enthusiasm in keeping us all together, and how you pointed out where we are going wrong in our vocabulary or where even you went wrong (I loved how you accepted that “commit” isn’t a term that we should use anymore and that you shouldn’t have used it. It felt very human. Thank you for that. I’m more confident now for sure in dealing with my own (negative) thoughts and I can surely contain someone else’s whenever I have the opportunity. I’ve never felt so comfortable in thinking what I have to do if I ever faced such a situation that someone reaches out to me, and I have to act as a gatekeeper. The workshop has surely helped add on to my self-efficacy big time. It has also given me a direction of HOW to go about listening and responding to a person in crisis. It’s also making me ponder over the question of self-determination and I would really like to ponder more on the topic “If the person has the right to take their own life”.
I had watched the Empathy Video a while back but when it was brought into the realm of suicide prevention, I had to enter my own void of such thoughts in order to imagine and connect with a person having those. It was a different, more deeper and more dark side of my life and I think now I’ve realized that even I have those shoes in my closet that can match with the person in distress. I’m more acceptable of my own dark side and I would be more confident in accompanying the other person into theirs. Along with that, I surely have some good theories to base my questions upon which can help the person more precisely. Overall, I LOVED WHAT I ATTENDED. I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO ATTEND MORE OF TEJAS SIR’S WORKSHOPS.
~ Kriti Sapra, Batch #01
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper.
This was my first workshop on suicide prevention and I really found it informative. There were many interactive sessions which helped me to share and learn. Tejas sir was encouraging everyone to share their views and explained everything with detailed incidents from real life, which facilitated better learning.
The workshop helped me dispel a lot of myths around suicide. It helped me understand the causes behind why people take such extreme measures.
I feel I am better informed and more confident now to give some sort of help if at all someone shares their suicidal ideations with me. This workshop helped me shed my inhibitions about asking people if they have been experiencing suicidal ideations, in the first place.
~ Prachi Sharma, Batch #01
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The trainer was very learned and informed. What I liked the most about the workshop was that it was easy to understand, absolutely interactive, flexible in its approach. The trainer seemed to have a heart for spreading awareness and helping others to do the same and help the community. Value to time and knowledge for free. The trainer was flexible in the approach like being okay with going beyond the set time as opposed to being rigid with the way things had been planned to be. He also seemed to be pro about spreading awareness and helping to equip as many people to help the community at large. The workshop helped me rethink about the notion of suicide and the fears associated with it, and made me feel confident and comfortable. Initially, I felt a bit uncomfortable with the idea of discussing about Suicide due to personal beliefs, through the session I felt more confident and comfortable.
~ Anaita Veigas, Batch #01
I had a wonderful learning experience under expertise of Tejas Sir. The amount of dedication, depth of knowledge and need to help the society at large is purely inspirational. One day, I hope to make him proud and wish to overcome my fear related to clients having suicidal ideation, by being available as a gatekeeper for as many individuals as in need. The breakout was my favourite because it allowed additional learning from fellow participants. I liked Tejas Sir’s humble nature and clarity of thought and knowledge. He Immediately answered all the doubts. The workshop helped me gain understanding about my own fear and anxiety as a mental health professional and also helped me feel more competent and confident to now practice it in future. I felt a lot more at ease and more confidence by the end of the workshop as compared to the beginning. The workshop also made me realise that I worry a lot when clients mention about suicide and feel anxious when actually I don’t need to.
~ Healy Mehta, Batch #01
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Tejas Sir was experienced and covered the topic very well. He was genuine in his interest to spread awareness. Overall, the workshop was very helpful It reinforced my faith in lending a helping hand.
~ Priyanka Bajaria, Batch #01
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
It was a very interactive workshop. The trainer had put in a lot of effort. I really feel confident after attending it. It was really worth attending. He tried his level best to make us understand the concepts better. He did not hurry at all for the sake of completing it. At least now I am aware of the skills required for suicidal counseling. I feel More confident.
~ Sneha, Batch #01
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop was good, interactive and informative. Tejas is very empathetic and patiently responded to all queries. The workshop will help me in my therapy work. The workshop was informative, as the trainer said no attempt is a bad attempt in preventive suicide.
~ Lakshmi Sreenivasan, Batch #01
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The way of explanation and clarity about topic was immensely good. Tejas sir was on point and well spoken. The workshop helped to get clarity on what can be done in critical situation. The workshop made me feel more confident.
~ Jayesh Sapra, Batch #01
The workshop was well structured, provided adequate information. The trainer was very experienced, humble and open. The best part was reflective discussion throughout the workshop. The trainer was humble, gentle, open to take inputs from participants, encourage them to speak and also appreciate their valid points. I enjoy the discussion with fellow psychologist and get a chance to know trainer and others as well.
~ Yogeeta Kadian, Batch #01

First thing that should be acknowledged is that Tejas Sir did the entire workshop for free which was very very helpful. And throughout the session, he made us feel extremely comfortable and gave each one of us space to speak. We had small group discussions as well and he explained everything in a very sensitive and empathetic manner. Now, after attending this workshop, I want to attend advance suicide prevention workshop with Tejas Sir to learn about specific things that we can do in times of crisis and to help a person who is being suicidal. Tejas Sir was very composed and confident and allowed everyone to speak. He took into account everyone’s perspective and corrected us when we were wrong. Sir was also very warm and friendly. I feel better in terms of being able to now face someone who might discuss their suicidal thoughts with me. I feel I will at least be able to guide them in the right direction and not feel helpless. I wasn’t sure earlier how to react to someone telling me that they are contemplating suicide or news of someone dying by suicide. But now I feel whatever apprehensions I had were natural. And I now know how to deal/treat a person who is struggling with suicidal thoughts.
~ Sayani Saha, Batch #02
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I loved the part where Tejas sir divided us in groups for discussion multiple times which led to a lot of shared reflections. I appreciate Tejas sir’s Initiative of doing free online training and providing certificates at a nominal cost. Tejas sir gave positive affirmations to all participants after they spoke. He helped in normalizing the talk around suicide. I would definitely be interested in an Advanced level suicide prevention course with Tejas sir with greater focus on intervention. I was amazed to see how we could share our personal experiences on such an intimate topic with strangers but unfortunately are afraid to do it with our loved ones.
~ Aavleen Bakshi, Batch #02
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop was really good and informative. This was my first time experience on suicide prevention workshop. Really like the effort that Tejas sir has been putting up by organizing such informative workshop for the people easily accessible to them. Liked the idea how it was an overall participation by every individual who signed up for the same. Everyone shared their ideas and experiences and what are their coping mechanisms. Tejas Sir engaged all the participant really well by giving them questions to think up on and discuss it in breakout rooms. After attending the suicide prevention workshop, I have a lot more insights about suicide and can at least play a vital role when somebody comes to me in such situation. I experienced in the workshop that sometimes we can easily express ourselves with different people who we have never met and be worry free about what they will think about us.
~ Aditi Srivastava, Batch #02
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The workshop was very informative and opened me up to a broad base of perspective. The interactive method the trainer chose was very interesting and gave us a chance to open up and share. The overall workshop was very productive. Tejas Sir was really interactive, the teaching methods and the example he use were very clear and broad ended. the presentation was really helpful. The suicide prevention workshop has opened me up to a broad perspective & helped me to get into such a sensitive topic. I got to open and interacted and connected to others and the session lead me to gain a lot of knowledge on the topic.
~ Tiyasha, Batch #02
Apart from being highly qualified I really appreciate how the trainer had organized the session on such a vast topic in just three hours and the way he ensured that every participant was involved throughout the session. What I like most about the workshop is that at the end of it I felt more confident about speaking with someone who might be feeling suicidal. The suicide prevention workshop helped boost my confidence and has made me want to do an advanced level course with the trainer. It gave me validation as a person who has recently had suicidal thoughts as I got someone who really listened to me without judgement and understood me, which I had not got back then. The workshop also helped me change my perception of suicide prevention from having to give solutions to actually creating a space to vent feelings and evaluate actions.
~ Tanushree, Batch #02
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was incredibly informative and interactive instead of just being a lecture. The 3 hours passed like a breeze, as it was very interesting. I left feeling a lot more confident in my ability to help people who are at risk of suicide. Mr. Tejas is incredibly friendly and competent. He is very well informed and is a very competent teacher and instructor. After attending the suicide prevention workshop, I feel better informed about suicide, and know that I’ll be able to identify and help those who need it better than before due to the workshop 🙂 I gained from the workshop and now I feel less apprehensive about helping and supporting people with suicidal thoughts, and better understand them.
~ Sakshi Tiwari, Batch #02
It was an overwhelming experience. “Suicide” is not a personal issue, but a community problem and we need people from community to come up and do something about it. The workshop was very well balanced and quite interactive. The trainer kept his calm and explained things patiently. He was quite clear with his words and laid emphasis on the importance of this issue. He managed time really well and it didn’t feel like three hours have gone by. He kept the workshop interactive at all times. If this workshop can help me choose the right words and the right emotions when somebody is in distress, it will be life changing. It made me a more hopeful person seeing all these people come up to talk about it, to know how to deal with it, to be sensitive and open to listening. It also made me realise that there is a power we all have, because “Suicides are preventable.” The most important transformation is to understand that one has to act in ways he/she would like others to act with them. You have to ask the same questions that wouldn’t offend you, you have to be there for them, it’s the one who’s in distress that needs help and to release the emotions, not us.
~ Vidushi Jain, Batch #02
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was interactive and informative, the trainer simplified the theory and helped me to understand the subject. The workshop helped in changing my own thought process.
~ Sumaiyya, Batch #02
The suicide prevention workshop was very engaging and informative. Everything was very clearly explained. I loved how Tejas sir divided us in groups and asked us to share our ideas and opinion. Tejas sir very genuinely wanted us to learn about suicide prevention and gave us his 100%. The meeting extended for more than 3 hours but it was worth it. Not for a second I thought of leaving the workshop in between. It was overall a wonderful experience for me. Appreciate Tejas sir’s determination and calm nature, the way he taught all of us and how he gave everyone a safe space to share their ideas. I think now I am more prepared to deal with people suffering from suicidal thoughts. Tejas Sir helped me gain insight about the signs and the steps I should take to help the person in need. I think I have now become more confident dealing with people in general. I learned it’s okay to directly ask a person if he/she needs help and want to talk to somebody about it.
~ Shikha Saini, Batch #02
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
I think the workshop was very well structured and thought out. The material was succinct and easy to understand. I really liked how interactive and discussion based the session was. I found the trainer really open minded, and knowledgeable. As a Master’s student of psychology, I think this workshop has added to my understanding of suicide. I also feel like this workshop has made me a bit more confident, in case I ever have to deal with a client who is suicidal. Moreover, I feel better informed about the topic and interested to carry out my own research/reading in the area. I think this workshop really opened my eyes to how important suicide prevention training is. It has taught me to be more aware and vigilant in noticing signs of suicidal ideation in people around me and also encouraged me to adopt an extremely empathetic but directive approach when it comes to suicide and suicide prevention.
~ Avantika Kapadia, Batch #02
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was very insightful. The breakout rooms made the workshop very interactive so I liked that interaction the most. The trainer was eloquent. He explained everything very well. The workshop made me more aware about the topic. I feel more confident in dealing with such a sensitive topic. After attending the workshop, I am more sensitive, aware, and prepared about the topic of suicide prevention.
Anshika jain, Batch #02
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention workshop was really informative and engaging workshop. The trainer is quite friendly and approachable. Through the workshop, I got to know more about suicide prevention skills and how can we apply it in practical life. It’s a very sensitive topic but they way Tejas has put it in workshop, it made me feel equipped to be a gatekeeper and contribute my part towards this cause.
Aboli Prafulla Moharkar, Batch #02
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper

I’d like to congratulate Tejas sir on conducting such an amazing and interactive workshop. Although I was more into listening, but trust me, I enjoyed each and every bit of it. Thank you very much for such an enriching experience. I’d love to attend the advanced suicide prevention workshop as well, and I hope to learn more about interventions in detail, this time, a bit more specific about the LGBTQ community. It was my first ever time of interacting with a male therapist, and now I must say, that we need more therapists like Tejas sir. He was so composed throughout the workshop and did not end it even after the time was over. He infact gave us all extra time and explained everything to the minutest detail. The workshop was designed in such a manner that it each one of us got a chance to participate. The group discussions between the workshop gave us a very safe space to discuss our opinions freely, without any hesitation. I was able to finally share with someone that I too have been suicidal once. It was overall very cathartic for me. As I said this during the workshop also, the ice breaking session is all that is required. Once we start opening up to someone, we’ll be surprised to know that we’re not alone.
Mehar Kaur Luthra, Batch #03
Certified LGBTQIA+ Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper.
The LGBTQ+ suicide prevention workshop was a very enriching, we got to learn so much and sensitization regarding the LGBTQ community was created, it was a highly interactive session. The trainer was very warm, patient and polite, he imparted a lot of information, really very well. The suicide prevention workshop sesitized me regarding the LGBTQ community, busted a lot of myths regarding suicide and suicidal tendecies, filled me with enthusiasm and widened my horizon. I am much more sensitive towards the LGBTQ community and I’m confident enough that I can identify people with suicidal tendencies and try to help them in the best way possible.
Chahat Sukhija, Batch #03
Certified LGBTQIA+ Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper.
Superlative in everything, the content, structure, mode of imparting the knowledge. Tejas chose a topic which is normally not touched upon, he made all the participants absolutely comfortable and gave ample time to internalise the knowledge through interaction. The workshop helped me to understand the whole concept of suicide and how as a gatekeeper I can help prevent it. After attending the workshop my belief became stronger, I am convinced that I can help someone.
Rupa Pillai, Batch #03
Certified LGBTQIA+ Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper.
The LGBTQ+ suicide prevention workshop was excellent. I loved the fact that it was so interactive in spite of being online. It allowed us a chance to work with other participants. The trainer was knowledgeable and easy to talk to. The workshop solidified my understanding on suicide prevention especially when related to how we can explain the same to others who ask what they should be doing. Attending the worskhop increased confidence in my own work and ability.
Ritika Aggarwal, Batch #03
Certified LGBTQIA+ Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper.
The LGBTQ+ suicide prevention workshop was good, interactive and experiencal. The trainer was very knowledgeable, he reflected on the healthy and unhealthy practices and used good training methods. I learned more from this workshop than the QPR training I attended previously. I gained higher understanding and acceptance of perceived differences and the power of listening.
Nishtha Budhiraja, Batch #03
Certified LGBTQIA+ Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper.
The LGBTQ+ suicide prevention workshop was very informative session with lot of involvement of all trainees. We were formed into subgroups which was an opportunity to voice our opinions.
The trainer kept the whole session alive, involving all participants.
Attending the workshop helped me updat myself on the recent strategies in working as a gate keeper in suicide prevention. I got a better outlook in looking out on the subject.
Anitha Amarnath, Batch #03
The LGBTQ+ suicide prevention workshop was very well processed and much informative. The method adopted by the trainer of breaking sections and making sure the interaction of participants. After attending the workshop I am more informed person. I feel by learning in this area more, I could help the people in need.
Vanshika Sahni, Batch #03
The LGBTQ+ suicide prevention workshop was a very informative session overall. The best part about the workshop was that it was super interactive, especially the break-room discussions. I wish we had more time. The trainer was very well informed and experienced about the topic of the workshop. I would love to attend future trainings/workshops by Tejas. I have learnt how to provide psychological first-aid to someone who is in extreme distress and has suicidal thoughts and then refer them to a mental health professional. After attending the workshop, I am positive and confident to handle someone in distress. I understood that talking about these experiences and spreading awareness in itself is a preventive step because we get to know that we are not alone when it comes to facing such situations in life. I felt more comfortable talking about my personal experience during the workshop, despite of it being a traumatic one because everyone attending the workshop was empathetic.
Vaishnavi Mehta, Batch #03
Certified LGBTQIA+ Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper.

The suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop was highly informative, it was the most engaging workshop I’ve attended online. Overall, the workshop was awesome as it equipped us with useful skills. Tejas sir has strong theoretical as well as practical knowledge about the topic as well as he was a very good moderator. The workshop helped me to increase awareness about suicide prevention and I learned that it’s ok not to be ok.
Juie, Batch #04
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The whole process, right from sending out the invite till the conduction of the entire session went on very systematically. I really appreciate Mr Tejas for paying heed to the need of the hour and conducting this workshop. It was a great learning just the way I had hoped for and even more than that. Attending this suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop will only leave you hungry for knowing more and gathering more awareness about Suicide. What I liked the most was the amazing content, very professionally executed and brilliantly conveyed! Hoping to learn more! God bless Mr Tejas! He is a professional with a dash of humor, systematic, and he effectively connects with every participant, even though it was a group session, all of us had a very personalized interactive session. He knew his subject very well and was very patiently listening and attending to our doubts. I got to know many facts and information regarding the subject which previously I had no clue of! Attending this workshop has made me feel a bit more confident about the subject and also to help me work on my own area of profession. I felt more confident talking and asking about Suicide and also to understand that it’s perfectly okay to talk about it or share our experiences about the same.
Annie Benedict, Batch #04
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
The suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop provided the much needed community awareness on suicide and it’s prevention. The trainer is an expert in his domain and clarified all the doubts with ease and clarity. I believe the assessment after the workshop was important because it revisited all the concepts and ingrained it in the mind. Tejas is patient, good listener, and encouraged everyone to talk in the workshop. The workshop helped in creating awareness and how to deal with a situation involving a person who is going to commit suicide. After attending the workshop, I am convinced suicide is preventable.
Eden D’souza, Batch #04
Certified Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Suicide prevention gatekeeper workshop was well explained. The role-play part was very good. Though my mike was not working but it was truely nice experience. Tejas made the concept very clear and made it very much simple to understand for the common people. Attending the workshop helped me to know about the thinking point of the person. Listening to the person and trusting his conversation. I am listening and believing what he is saying. I think it will help him to gain confidence to trust me and he/she will feel free to talk about the issues. After attending the workshop, I feel that I should be a good listener. And frame my question/further steps accordingly.
Manju Mathpal
📋 Registration form: https://forms.gle/aAhuwWeZVTAHstrU6